Pick an appropriate word and complete the sentence: 'Taking the time to eat a good breakfast is simply a way to make the morning____ and the day_________.

ক) better, easier
খ) best, easiest
গ) ease, easier
ঘ) easy, easier

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ক) Crafty
খ) Incompetent
গ) Inane
ঘ) Skillful
ক) Abundant
খ) Valuable
গ) Necessary
ঘ) in Use
ক) Unassuming
খ) Unabated
গ) Undaunted
ঘ) None of these
ক) an adjective
খ) an adverb
গ) a preposition
ঘ) an interjection
ক) Amatuer
খ) Amature
গ) Amateur
ঘ) Ameteur
ক) Has been football played by you?
খ) Has football been played by you?
গ) Is football played by you?
ঘ) Has football played by you?

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