A Terabyte is equal to -
ক) 1024 Megabytes
খ) 1024 Kilobytes
গ) 1024 Gigabytes
ঘ) 1024 Bytes
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ক) Gulp: Sip
খ) Scom: Admire
গ) Participate: Observe
ঘ) Hunt: Stalk
ক) Serration:Braiding
খ) Hole: Perforation
গ) Dent: Weakening
ঘ) Break: Setting
ক) even
খ) for
গ) never
ঘ) being
ক) with
খ) their
গ) about
ঘ) for
ক) As contrasted with the honeybee
খ) in contrast to the honeybee's
গ) unlike that of the honeybee
ঘ) unlike the honeybee
ক) to rise against
খ) in rising from
গ) to rise to
ঘ) to raise with
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