A man needs money for 120 days. He asked the banker for a loan and the banker charged Tk. 360 @ 6% per annum. What is the amount of loan?
ক) Tk. 15000
খ) Tk. 16000
গ) Tk. 18000
ঘ) None of these
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ক) 4 cm
খ) 6 cm
গ) 10 cm
ঘ) 14 cm
ক) 200
খ) 250
গ) 300
ঘ) 350
ক) 180°
খ) 240°
গ) 360°
ঘ) 540°
ক) -10/9
খ) 5/4
গ) -5/3
ঘ) -5/4
ক) 3:15
খ) 7:15
গ) 8:45
ঘ) 9:45
জব সলুশন