I know their residence (make it complex)
ক) I know where they reside.
খ) I know where did they reside.
গ) I know where are they residing.
ঘ) I know where are they residing.
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ক) আমরা তাদেরকে যেতে বাধ্য করলাম।
খ) আমরা তাদেরকে যেতে প্রস্তুত করলাম।
গ) আমরা তাদেরকে যেতে বললাম।
ঘ) উপরের কোনোটিই নয়
ক) London and New York
খ) Paris and Birmingham
গ) London and Paris
ঘ) Moscow and Lisbon
ক) "Ode to Autumn" is an essay by John Keats?
খ) "Waste Land" is a poem by T.S. Eliot.
গ) "Of Reading" is a drama by Bertrand Russel
ঘ) Animal Farm" is an epic by George Orwell.
ক) Alexander Pope
খ) William Sydney Porter
গ) Mark Twain
ঘ) William Blake
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