Which is used to measure the clock speed (the number of cycles) of the CPU per second?
ক) Megahertz
খ) Gigahertz
গ) Decihertz
ঘ) Zeptohertz
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ক) Ctrl + C
খ) Ctrl + X
গ) Ctrl + A
ঘ) Ctrl + W
ক) Bluetooth
খ) Wi-fi
গ) WiMax
ঘ) Fiber Optic
ক) Dot per sq inch
খ) Dot per second
গ) Dot matrix per minute
ঘ) Dots per inch
ক) Graphics
খ) Binary format
গ) Magnetic pulse
ঘ) Characters
ক) Copying the cell
খ) Fixing the cell
গ) Dragging the cell
ঘ) Aligning the cell
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