Mr. Tanvir purchased stock for Tk. 1,500 and sold 2/3 of it after its value doubled. He sold the remaining stock at 5 times its purchase price. What was his total profit on the stock?
ক) Tk. 2000
খ) Tk. 2500
গ) Tk. 3000
ঘ) Tk. 4500
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খ) 24
গ) 36
ঘ) 48
ক) Izaak Walton.
খ) Samuel Johnson
গ) Samuel Butler
ঘ) Sir Thomas Browne
The five rings of the Olympic symbol are the five different colors: Red, Green, Yellow, Blue and ...
ক) Indigo
খ) Violet
গ) Black
ঘ) Orange
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