Select the right compound structure of the sentence ‘Though he is poor , he is honest’

ক) He is poor and honest
খ) As he is poor, he is honest
গ) He is poor but honest
ঘ) Since he is poor , he is honest .

Related Questions

ক) farewell speech
খ) late speech
গ) last speech
ঘ) first speech
ক) are
খ) were
গ) is
ঘ) have
ক) verb
খ) noun
গ) pronoun
ঘ) adverb
ক) besides
খ) beside
গ) to
ঘ) for
ক) a rule based on science
খ) a bad rule
গ) a rule must be obeyed
ঘ) a rule based on past experienced rather than on theory
ক) mouses
খ) mice
গ) mouse
ঘ) mices

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