Readymade styles that can be used for a word document are called -

ক) Presentations
খ) Letters
গ) Templates
ঘ) None of these

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ক) magnetic technology
খ) optical technology
গ) laser technology
ঘ) radio technology
ক) Ctrl + Alt +Tab
খ) Ctrl + Shift + Del
গ) Ctrl + Alt + Del
ঘ) Ctrl+Alt+Shift
ক) Mainframe Computer
খ) Mini Computer
গ) Both 'a' and 'b'
ঘ) None of these
ক) Volatile
খ) Non-volatile
গ) Restricted
ঘ) Unrestricted
ক) Hardware
খ) Application Software
গ) Firmware
ঘ) Operating System
ক) JK Rowling
খ) Charles Dickens
গ) Jane Austen
ঘ) George Eliot

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