The passive form of the sentence 'Did the boy catch a bird?' is-
ক) Was a bird catching by the boy?
খ) Did the bird was caught by the boy?
গ) Was the boy caught by a bird?
ঘ) Was a bird caught by the boy?
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ক) You won't be giving any chance
খ) No chance won't have given him by you
গ) You won't be given any chance by him
ঘ) Any chance won't have given him by you
ক) Trust
খ) Agent
গ) Fiduciary
ঘ) Feudal
ক) Recession
খ) Depression
গ) Stagflation
ঘ) Stagnation
ক) gave me
খ) so that
গ) may visit
ঘ) the
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