The word 'Itinerary' means-
ক) list of items to be discussed
খ) list of events of a fixed time
গ) plan of a journey
ঘ) record of events occurred in a day
Related Questions
ক) I found his pulse.
খ) I examined his pulse.
গ) I saw his pulse.
ঘ) I felt his pulse.
ক) Having shouted
খ) Being shouted
গ) Since I shouted
ঘ) Shouting
ক) among
খ) between
গ) equally
ঘ) by
ক) Egoist
খ) Puritan
গ) Fatalist
ঘ) Tyrant
ক) Misnaming
খ) Misnomer
গ) Misreferring
ঘ) Assigning
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