Which technology is used by cryptocurrencies?

ক) Database
খ) Spreadsheet
গ) Blockchain
ঘ) Text file

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ক) Input
খ) Output
গ) Help
ঘ) Function
ক) Ctrl + Alt + Tab
খ) Ctrl + Alt + Del
গ) Ctrl + Shift + Del
ঘ) Ctrl + Alt + Shift
ক) Monitor
খ) MS paint
গ) RAM
ঘ) Keyboard
ক) Memory
খ) Programme
গ) Chip
ঘ) Output device
ক) Adjective
খ) Adverb
গ) Preposition
ঘ) Interjection
ক) Neither the workers nor their leader were present.
খ) Neither the workers nor their leader was present.
গ) Neither the workers nor their leader were in presence.
ঘ) Neither the workers nor their leader have presented.

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