'He gave me five books'- In this sentence which is the adjective?

ক) books
খ) gave
গ) me
ঘ) five

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ক) Girl
খ) King
গ) Mother
ঘ) Child
ক) Silky
খ) lorny
গ) Glutinous
ঘ) Adhesive
ক) had set and
খ) set and
গ) was setting and
ঘ) was set while
ক) He is cleverer than a fox
খ) A fox is cleverer than him.
গ) A fox is not as clever as him.
ঘ) A fox is not clever than him.
ক) Embarrasment
খ) Embarrassment
গ) Embarassment
ঘ) Embaresmont
ক) রাজ্ + নী
খ) রাগ+গী
গ) রাজন+গী
ঘ) রাজা+গি

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