The word sibling means-

ক) A brother
খ) A sister
গ) An infant
ঘ) A brother or sister.

Related Questions

ক) Honesty is the best virtue.
খ) Honesty is a good way.
গ) Honesty is the better way.
ঘ) Honesty is the best policy.
ক) Falling
খ) Rising
গ) Moving
ঘ) Static
ক) a book
খ) a law
গ) an arms of factory
ঘ) a newspaper journal
ক) He was to clever not to miss the point.
খ) He was so clever to miss the point.
গ) He was too clever to miss the point.
ঘ) He was too clever to grasp the point.
ক) Opaque
খ) Illiterate
গ) Obscure
ঘ) Immature
ক) Milton
খ) William Shakespeare
গ) T.S. Eliot
ঘ) Ruskin

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