The passive form of 'Whom does he love'?

ক) Who was loved by him?
খ) Who had he loved?
গ) Who loves him?
ঘ) Who is loved by him?

Related Questions

ক) He is a boy
খ) He is a good boy
গ) Though he is wealthy,he is a miser
ঘ) In spite of his wealth he is a miser
ক) One must obey his advice
খ) We must obeyed his advice
গ) One may obey his advice
ঘ) We must be obeyed by his advice
ক) Attend your classes regularly
খ) Do not attend classes regularly
গ) Attend classes regularly
ঘ) Not attend classes regularly
ক) Imperative sentence
খ) Optative sentence
গ) Assertive sentence
ঘ) Negative sentence
ক) would report
খ) reported
গ) will report
ঘ) would have reported
ক) Would that I were a king!
খ) Would that I was a king!
গ) Would that I am a king!
ঘ) If I could be a king!

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