অধিক সন্ন্যাসীতে গাজন নষ্ট। প্রবাদটির ইংরেজি হবে-

ক) Many saints spoil broth
খ) Too many cooks spoil the broth
গ) Too many saints spoil the broth
ঘ) As many cooks spoil the broth

Related Questions

ক) He works hard, isn't it?
খ) He works hard, isn't he?
গ) He works hard, doesn't he?
ঘ) He works hard, doesn't it?
ক) So you reap so you sow
খ) As you reap so you harvest
গ) So you reap as you harvest
ঘ) As you sow so you reap
ক) The horse and carriage are at the door
খ) Time and tide wait for none
গ) You are not devoted to gambling
ঘ) We get up in dawn
ক) The thief robbed me of my money
খ) He behaved in a cowardly manner
গ) He resembles to his father
ঘ) Look up the word in the dictionary
ক) He was dressed in a nice suite
খ) She stayed in an expensive suit of the hotel
গ) He wrote a black suit for the occasion
ঘ) I won the law suite in court
ক) He is my elder brother
খ) He went for the examination
গ) It is raining for three days
ঘ) He was bitten by the while

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