He advised me-----smoking.

ক) giving up
খ) to give up
গ) in giving up
ঘ) from giving up

Related Questions

ক) Deceitful
খ) Stubborn
গ) Swindler
ঘ) Sly
ক) A musical instrument
খ) A well-planned programme
গ) A noisy activity
ঘ) A musical activity
ক) The common language.
খ) The first language.
গ) International language.
ঘ) The French language.
ক) comfortable
খ) useful
গ) convenient to handle or use
ঘ) necessary
ক) did not take off
খ) took off
গ) had not taken off
ঘ) had taken off
ক) fear
খ) anger
গ) indignation
ঘ) panic

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