You said to me, you are right.

ক) You told me that you are right
খ) You told me that I am right
গ) You told me that I was right
ঘ) You told me that you were right

Related Questions

ক) He said, he has come to see you.
খ) He said, i came to see you.
গ) He said, i have come to see you
ঘ) He said, i was come to see you
ক) You will say that you are ill
খ) You will say that you were ill
গ) You will say that i am ill
ঘ) You would say that you were ill
ক) linker
খ) article
গ) adjective
ঘ) preposition
ক) wasteful
খ) productive
গ) practical
ঘ) concern
ক) admire
খ) abhor
গ) concern
ঘ) loathe
ক) Abolish
খ) enact
গ) annul
ঘ) nulify

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