আমি তাকে নাচতে দেখলাম।

ক) I saw her dancing
খ) I saw her dancing a while
গ) I saw dancing her
ঘ) I saw her dance

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ক) drowning
খ) clever
গ) wicked
ঘ) poor
ক) divine
খ) simple
গ) golden
ঘ) enchanting
ক) They have seen me yesterday
খ) I like his childlike simplicity
গ) It is I who is to blame
ঘ) The girl resembles to her mother
ক) the work
খ) the curry
গ) to tarry
ঘ) to scary
ক) I am reading
খ) I have read
গ) I read
ঘ) I have been reading
ক) You will say that you are ill
খ) You will say that you were ill
গ) You will say that i am ill
ঘ) You would say that you were ill

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