আমি বরং মরিব তবু চুরি করিব না?

ক) I will rather die than steal
খ) I am rather die than steal
গ) I would rather die than steal
ঘ) I die than steal

Related Questions

ক) Black will take no other hue
খ) None can change the colour of coal
গ) None can wash away the colour of coal
ঘ) None
ক) how will she do it?
খ) how will she do it.
গ) if she do it
ঘ) how she will do it
ক) Simple sentence
খ) Complex sentence
গ) Compound sentence
ঘ) affirmative sentence
ক) One clause
খ) Two clause
গ) Three Clause
ঘ) Four Clause
ক) isn't he?
খ) wasn't it?
গ) is it?
ঘ) didn't he?
ক) He told come here
খ) He told that I should come here
গ) He ordered that I go there
ঘ) He is as good as I

জব সলুশন

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