Please vote for the member ............. has done the most for our village.

ক) who you believe
খ) who you believed
গ) that you believe
ঘ) whom you believe

Related Questions

ক) who
খ) himself
গ) me
ঘ) they
ক) a verb
খ) a noun
গ) an adjective
ঘ) an adverb
ক) advice
খ) belief
গ) pretend
ঘ) brush
ক) Veb
খ) Adverb
গ) Adjective
ঘ) Noun
ক) Earl
খ) Dramatist
গ) Dutchman
ঘ) Duke
ক) He told me that i could not do it
খ) He told me that i could not do that
গ) He told me that i could not done it
ঘ) none

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