Dhaka is one of the biggest cities in Bangladesh . (Positive)

ক) No other cities in Bangladesh are as big as Dhaka .
খ) Very few cities in Bangladesh are as big as Dhaka .
গ) Very few cities in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka .
ঘ) Some cities in Bangladesh is big as Dhaka .

Related Questions

ক) You do not know him as good as I .
খ) You do not know him as well as I .
গ) You do not know him as well as me .
ঘ) You do not know him as good as me .
ক) Most Bad
খ) Baddest
গ) Badder
ঘ) Worst
ক) Very few river in Bangladesh is as big as the padma
খ) Very few rivers in Bangladesh are as big as the padma
গ) No other river in Bangladesh is so big as the padma
ঘ) No other rivers in Bangladesh are as big as the padma
ক) Least
খ) Less
গ) Near
ঘ) Upon
ক) metaphor
খ) simile
গ) alliteration
ঘ) personification
ক) nine
খ) a lot
গ) much
ঘ) a few

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