You'll fail in the exam,if you ___from school.

ক) Take to task
খ) put off
গ) Put out
ঘ) Play truant

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ক) better
খ) worst
গ) best
ঘ) immune
ক) Mango is more sweet than any other fruits in the world .
খ) Mango is sweeter than all other fruits .
গ) Mango is sweeter than most other fruits in the world .
ঘ) Mango is sweeter than any other fruits in the world .
ক) No other wood is as pretty as it burns.
খ) No other wood burns is as pretty as it .
গ) No other wood burns as pretty as it .
ঘ) No other wood burns as pretty as it .
ক) less
খ) lesser
গ) least
ঘ) more
ক) me
খ) myself
গ) I
ঘ) am I

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