Which one is present perfect tense?

ক) I am reading
খ) I have read
গ) I read
ঘ) I have been reading

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ক) present tense
খ) past tense
গ) future tense
ঘ) present perfect tense
ক) Javed was so exhausted that he lain down for a sleep.
খ) Javed was so exhausted that he had laid down for a sleep.
গ) Javed was so exhausted that he was lying down for a sleep.
ঘ) Javed was so exhausted that he will lay down for a sleep.
ক) shines
খ) has shone
গ) shine
ঘ) was shining
ক) live
খ) was living
গ) has been lived
ঘ) has been living

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