'কবর' নাটকটির নাট্যকার কে?
ক) জসীমউদ্দীন
খ) মুনীর চৌধুরী
গ) অক্ষয় কুমার
ঘ) কালীপ্রসন্ন সিংহ
Related Questions
ক) These must be shut doors
খ) Shut the doors you must
গ) Shut must be the doors
ঘ) These doors must be shut
ক) T.S. Elliot
খ) Grahame Greene
গ) Toni Morrison
ঘ) William Faulkner
ক) He is known by me.
খ) He was known to me.
গ) He is known to me.
ঘ) He is being known to me.
ক) It has to be done by me.
খ) It is to be done by me.
গ) Let it be done by me.
ঘ) It has to be done to me.
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