In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to–

ক) driving a car
খ) when one drives a car
গ) the driving of a car
ঘ) when we drive a car
Note : সাইকেল চালনা ও গাড়ি চালনার অনুরুপ । এখানে সাইকেল চালনা ও গাড়ি চালনা একই হওয়ার এদের phrasal গঠন ও একই হবে। অর্থাৎ riding a bicycle থাকায় driving a car হবে।

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ক) stay together
খ) tolerate
গ) keep trust
ঘ) protect
ক) The test should be based on experience
খ) The test should be based on idea
গ) The test should be based on assumption
ঘ) The test should be based on calculation
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খ) The authorities took him to book
গ) The authorities took him to task
ঘ) The authorities gave reins to him
ক) count numbers
খ) consider
গ) think seriously
ঘ) assess
ক) pomposity
খ) digression
গ) exaggeration
ঘ) anti-climax
ক) to receiving
খ) to receive
গ) in receiving
ঘ) for receiving

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