কোনটি Abstract Noun?

ক) Man
খ) Height
গ) Jury
ঘ) Long

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ক) Accession
খ) Accesion
গ) Acession
ঘ) Acsesion
ক) Accesible
খ) Accessible
গ) Acesible
ঘ) Accissable
ক) How this can be done by you?
খ) How could this be done by you?
গ) How can this be done by you?
ঘ) How this could be done by you?
ক) Let not the poor be hated.
খ) Let the poor not be hated.
গ) Poor not be hated.
ঘ) Poor are not be hated.
ক) He said that the earth moved round the sun.
খ) He said that the earth moves round the sun.
গ) He said that the earth has moved round the sun.
ঘ) He said that the earth had moved round the sun.
ক) He swore by God that he will support me.
খ) He swore by God that he will have supported me.
গ) He swear by God that he would have supported me.
ঘ) He swore by God that he would support me.

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