The book, along with its illustrations, were captivating.
ক) The book, along with its illustrations, were captivating.
খ) The book, along with its illustrations, was captivating.
গ) The book along with its illustrations, were captivating.
ঘ) The book, along with its illustrations, is captivating.
Related Questions
ক) The team are playing exceptionally well this season.
খ) The team is playing exceptionally well this season.
গ) The team be playing exceptionally well this season.
ঘ) The team were playing exceptionally well this season.
ক) Neither John nor Mary were aware of the surprise party.
খ) Neither John nor Mary was aware of the surprise party.
গ) Neither John or Mary were aware of the surprise party.
ঘ) Neither John or Mary was aware of the surprise party.
ক) To criticize others
খ) To join others in a popular activity
গ) To create a new trend
ঘ) To avoid public attention
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