Change the narration of the sentence : What do you want?

ক) What is wanted by you?
খ) Let what be wanted by you.
গ) What has been wanted by you?
ঘ) What was being wanted by you?

Related Questions

ক) She asked me if I was happy in my new job
খ) She asked me if I have been happy in my new job
গ) She asked me whether I am happy in my new job
ঘ) She asked me if I had been happy in my new job
ক) He thanked me
খ) He had thanked me
গ) He told me that thank you
ঘ) He wished thank to me
ক) He said that he was well
খ) He said that i am well
গ) He said that he were well
ঘ) He said that he is well
ক) You told me that you are right
খ) You told me that I am right
গ) You told me that I was right
ঘ) You told me that you were right
ক) মাঝি
খ) পাটনী
গ) ঘাটাল
ঘ) র্কণধার
ক) যে সর্বদা কুৎসা রটনা করে
খ) যে আগে পিছে না ভেবে কাজ করে
গ) যে সর্বদা বিষাদগ্রস্ত থাকে
ঘ) যে অন্যের সৌভাগ্যে ঈর্ষাবোধ করে

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