Change the voice,"Please keep quite"

ক) You are told for keep quiet
খ) You are requested to keep quiet
গ) You are requested for keep quiet
ঘ) You are told to keep quiet

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ক) It is done by you
খ) Let it be done
গ) Let doe it by you
ঘ) Let be it doe(by you)
ক) Our neighbour has invited us into his house not once but many times.
খ) Our neighbour has never invited us into his house .
গ) Occasionally our neighbour has invited us into his house .
ঘ) Our neighbour has not always invited us into his house .
ক) A little mouse may even help a lion.
খ) Even a little mouse may help a lion.
গ) A little mouse can even help a lion.
ঘ) Even a little mouse ought to help a lion.
ক) These must be shut doors
খ) Shut the doors you must
গ) Shut must be the doors
ঘ) These doors must be shut
ক) It has to be done by me
খ) It is to be done by me
গ) It has to be done to me
ঘ) Let it be done by me
ক) A house is going to be building
খ) A house is being gone to build
গ) A house is going to be built
ঘ) A house is gone to be built

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