I shall do it------pleasure. বাক্যের শূন্যস্থানে সঠিক শব্দ বসবে ---

ক) in
খ) at
গ) with
ঘ) to

Related Questions

ক) He told her what did she want
খ) He told her what she wanted
গ) He asked her what does she want
ঘ) He asked her what did she want
ক) The man bade his friends good morning
খ) The man wished his friends good morning
গ) The man had told his friends good morning
ঘ) The man wishes his friends good morning
ক) মালদ্বীপ
খ) শ্রীলঙ্কা
গ) নেপাল
ঘ) ভুটান
ক) Let not a lie ever be told
খ) Let a lie never be told
গ) Let a lie not ever be told
ঘ) Let never be told a lie
ক) By whom am I called?
খ) By whom I am called?
গ) By whom I was called?
ঘ) By whom am I being called?

জব সলুশন

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