The young man seems very-

ক) sensible
খ) sensibly
গ) sensiblely
ঘ) sensitively

Related Questions

ক) study of education
খ) study of vote
গ) study of religion
ঘ) study of politics
ক) to publish
খ) in danger
গ) valid
ঘ) lighting
ক) alien
খ) congeuial
গ) inborn
ঘ) local
ক) aumature
খ) ammateur
গ) amatear
ঘ) amateur
ক) respectable
খ) praiseworthy
গ) up-to-date
ঘ) valid
ক) The body of the blind gives light.
খ) The blind holds the light.
গ) Give light to the body of the blind.
ঘ) Give light to the blind.

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