The word 'sibling' means-

ক) a brother or sister
খ) a son or daughter
গ) a cousin
ঘ) none of the above

Related Questions

ক) a little
খ) little
গ) much
ঘ) more
ক) then
খ) when
গ) before
ঘ) as soon as
ক) insociant
খ) insocant
গ) incuciant
ঘ) insouciant
ক) Assessment
খ) Appraisal
গ) Judgment
ঘ) All of these
ক) Manner of speech
খ) Supplementary tax
গ) Sentence building
ঘ) Synchronizing act
ক) teacher and student
খ) hospital and patient
গ) nest and bird
ঘ) prison and culprit

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