which of the following words has been formed with a prefix?

ক) amoral
খ) authentic
গ) amnesia
ঘ) aspersions

Related Questions

ক) Fascinating
খ) Fasinating
গ) Facinating
ঘ) Facsinating
ক) questionere
খ) questioneer
গ) questionaire
ঘ) Questionnaire
ক) Principal clause
খ) Noun clause
গ) Adjective Clause
ঘ) Adverbial clause
ক) A
খ) An
গ) The
ঘ) One
ক) No other cities in Bangladesh are as big as Dhaka .
খ) Very few cities in Bangladesh are as big as Dhaka .
গ) Very few cities in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka .
ঘ) Some cities in Bangladesh is big as Dhaka .
ক) by
খ) with
গ) to
ঘ) over

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