The first English dictionary was compiled by-

ক) Iazak Walton
খ) Samuel Johnson
গ) Samuel Butler
ঘ) Sir Thomas Browne

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ক) second language
খ) first language
গ) foreign language
ঘ) common language
ক) Pen through the word
খ) cut the word
গ) cut through the word
ঘ) cut out the word
ক) ever
খ) whatever
গ) however
ঘ) never
ক) They have seen me yesterday
খ) I like his childlike simplicity
গ) It is I who is to blame
ঘ) The girl resembles to her mother
ক) I would tell him the matter
খ) I might tell him the matter
গ) I will have told him the matter
ঘ) I might have told him the matter
ক) Simple sentence
খ) complex sentence
গ) Compound sentence
ঘ) none

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