Fill in the blank with appropriate use of tense: I couldn't mend the computer my self, so I_______at a shop.

ক) had it mended
খ) had it mend
গ) did it mend
ঘ) had mended

Related Questions

ক) He thanked me
খ) He had thanked me
গ) He told me that thank you
ঘ) He wished thank to me
ক) He remarked that two and two would make four
খ) He remarked that two and two made four
গ) He remarked that two and two makes four
ঘ) He advised that two and two makes four
ক) অস্থায়ী
খ) ক্ষণিক
গ) ক্ষণস্থায়ী
ঘ) নশ্বর
ক) হাত
খ) চামার
গ) পাত্র
ঘ) দুধ
ক) গ্রন্থপঞ্জি
খ) নির্ঘন্ট
গ) ক্রোড়পত্র
ঘ) পরিশিষ্ট

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