Much as Rome_______ roads through Europe in the years of the Roman Empire, British _______ Railways and strung telegraph wires in India.

ক) built, built
খ) have built, build
গ) had built, built
ঘ) was built, built

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ক) should lose
খ) loose
গ) would lose
ঘ) lose
ক) died
খ) had died
গ) have died
ঘ) would die
ক) will pass
খ) passed
গ) will be passed
ঘ) pass
ক) He wished Mr.kamal goood morning
খ) He has wished Mr.kamal goood morning
গ) He said Mr.kamal goood morning
ঘ) He told Mr.kamal goood morning
ক) noun
খ) degree
গ) quantity
ঘ) time

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