Rites – similar to

ক) practices
খ) regulations
গ) law
ঘ) habits

Related Questions

ক) Tickle
খ) Mickle
গ) Sickle
ঘ) Bickle
ক) None phrase
খ) Phrasal verb
গ) Prepositional phrase
ঘ) Adverbial phrase
ক) William Shakespare
খ) Dylam Thomas
গ) John Galsworthy
ঘ) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
ক) writing
খ) would write
গ) will write
ঘ) had written
ক) very successful
খ) with pomp and ceremony
গ) with too much pride
ঘ) very enthusiastically
ক) The teacher advised Alam to work regularly
খ) The teacher told to Alam to work regularly
গ) The teacher said to Alam to work regularly
ঘ) The teacher said Alam to work regularly

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