বঙ্গবন্ধু টানেলের দৈর্ঘ্য কত?

ক) ৩.৩০ কি.মি.
খ) ৩.৩১ কি.মি.
গ) ৩.৩২ কি.মি.
ঘ) ৩.৩৩ কি.মি.

Related Questions

ক) has come
খ) came
গ) arrived
ঘ) had come
ক) She said, "Do stand up".
খ) She told, "Stand up".
গ) She said me, "Stand up".
ঘ) She said to me, "Stand up".
ক) charter
খ) licence
গ) privilege
ঘ) all of the above
ক) Metro rail is a very great achievement of Bangladesh.
খ) Very few achievements of Bangladesh are as great as Metro rail.
গ) Metro rail is greater than any other achievement of Bangladesh.
ঘ) No other achievement of Bangladesh is as great as Metro rail
ক) Cut the line
খ) Cross the line
গ) Give up the line
ঘ) Pen through the line
ক) approof
খ) approveness
গ) approvalty
ঘ) approval

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