The idiom 'bring to book' means -

ক) Book written by a famous writer
খ) Punish
গ) Valueless person
ঘ) Impose

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ক) change
খ) will change
গ) changed
ঘ) should change
ক) of
খ) in
গ) by
ঘ) with
ক) proud
খ) a day dreamer
গ) an aviator
ঘ) a philanthropist
ক) apological
খ) apologise
গ) apologify
ঘ) enapology
ক) does he
খ) doesn't he
গ) are they
ঘ) aren't they
ক) Respect our teacher.
খ) Let us respect our teacher.
গ) We may not hate our teacher.
ঘ) Our teacher should be respected.

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