Translate the sentence into English - "তার সব চেষ্টাই ব্যর্থ হলো"
ক) All his efforts ended in smoke.
খ) All his efforts ended in the smoke.
গ) All his efforts ended in a smoke.
ঘ) All his efforts ended in smoking.
Related Questions
ক) Saddle on the right horse.
খ) Penny wise and pound foolish.
গ) Take time by the forelock.
ঘ) Turn into a new leaf.
ক) Shakespeare
খ) Thomas Hardy
গ) Charles Dickens
ঘ) Jane Austen
ক) √ বর্ধ + মান
খ) √ বৃদ্ধি + মান
গ) √ বৃধ + মান
ঘ) √ বর্ধন + মান
জব সলুশন