"Come in, my friend, said I" বাক্যটির সঠিক Indirect speech ----

ক) Addressing him as my friend, he said him to go in
খ) Addressing him as my friend, I told him to go in
গ) Addressing him as my friend, I have said him to go in
ঘ) Addressing him as my friend, I asked him to go in

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ক) অক্ষরেখা
খ) নিরক্ষ রেখা
গ) পূর্ব দ্রাঘিমা রেখা
ঘ) উত্তর গোলার্ধে
ক) প্যারিস
খ) মস্কো
গ) মিউনিখ
ঘ) লন্ডন
ক) যমুনা
খ) করতোয়া
গ) পশুর
ঘ) মহানন্দা
ক) You politely asked me if I would help you.
খ) You politely asked me if I should help you.
গ) You politely asked me I would help you.
ঘ) You politely asked me if I would help you.
ক) He was liked by all his pupils
খ) He was like by all his pupils
গ) He is being liked by all his pupils
ঘ) He is liked by all his pupils
ক) ময়নামতি ও লালমাই পাহাড়কে
খ) শালবন বিহারকে
গ) মধুপুর ও ভাওয়ালের গড়কে
ঘ) রাজশাহী বিভাগের উত্তর পশ্চিমাঞ্চলকে

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