Tick the Correct one:
ক) The Jury were Unanimous in its Opinion
খ) The Jury was Unanimous in its Opinion
গ) The Jury was together in its Opinion
ঘ) The Jury were Unanimous in their Opinion
Related Questions
ক) কর্মে
খ) করণে
গ) অপাদানে
ঘ) অধিকরণে
ক) Bangladesh is a lower middle-income country.
খ) Bangladesh is an upper middle-income country.
গ) Bangladesh is a low-income country.
ঘ) Bangladesh is a high-income country.
ক) Bangladesh Authority of Software and Information Services.
খ) Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services.
গ) Bangladesh Association of Software and Initiation Services.
ঘ) None of these
ক) ১৮৭৬-১৯৩৮
খ) ১৮৬৮-১৯৪১
গ) ১৮৮১-১৯৪৬
ঘ) ১৮৭২-১৯৩৯
জব সলুশন