Ill news ___ fast.

ক) ran
খ) runs
গ) run
ঘ) us running

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ক) were, would do
খ) was, would do
গ) were, would have done
ঘ) was, would have done
ক) Indescrition
খ) Indiscretion
গ) Indiscrition
ঘ) Indescretion
ক) The salesman thanked his customer.
খ) The salesman respectfully thanked the person spoken to.
গ) The salesman said that thank you sir.
ঘ) The salesman addressed the customer 'sir' and thanked him'.
ক) hang on
খ) hung on
গ) hanged on
ঘ) hanged with
ক) work
খ) meeting
গ) curry
ঘ) fury
ক) fond to read
খ) fond reading
গ) fond of reading
ঘ) fond with reading

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