What is passive form of the sentence "We teach him a good lesson'?

ক) He is teaching a good lesson by us
খ) He is being taught a good lesson by us
গ) He has been taught a good lesson by us
ঘ) He is taught a good lesson by us

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ক) Verb
খ) Preposition
গ) Adverb
ঘ) None of these
ক) The boys are playing.
খ) I still adhere with my plan.
গ) He is alarmed for any safety.
ঘ) He agreed at my proposal.
ক) Contract
খ) Large
গ) Expand
ঘ) Excess
ক) Scissors
খ) Ethics
গ) News
ঘ) Physics
ক) প্রস্তাব
খ) প্রজ্ঞাপন
গ) বিজ্ঞাপন
ঘ) ইশতেহার
ক) শশের অঙ্ক
খ) অঙ্কের শশ
গ) অঙ্কে শশ যার
ঘ) শশ অঙ্ক যার

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