He played fool in spending too much money. (Identify the missing word from the given choices)

ক) the
খ) of
গ) in
ঘ) for

Related Questions

ক) Rebuke
খ) Chide
গ) Reproach
ঘ) Extol
ক) Animated
খ) Sluggish
গ) Lethargic
ঘ) Slothful
ক) Transparent
খ) Obscure
গ) Clear
ঘ) Limpid
ক) Acme
খ) Apex
গ) Nadir
ঘ) Zenith
ক) Penny-pinching
খ) Tightfisted
গ) Generous
ঘ) Miserly
ক) would explain
খ) had explained
গ) explain
ঘ) explained

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