Who among the following is a revolutionary poet?

ক) Jhon Keats
খ) P. B. Shelley
গ) S.T. Coleridge
ঘ) William Wordsworth

Related Questions

ক) Middle speech
খ) First speech
গ) Mald servant's speech
ঘ) Final speech
ক) Horroscope
খ) Pneumonia
গ) Occassion
ঘ) Embarass
ক) a serious play with a happy ending
খ) a serious play with sad ending
গ) a humerous play with a sad ending
ঘ) a funny play with a touchy ending
ক) epitome
খ) epithet
গ) episode
ঘ) epitaph
ক) have been
খ) had
গ) has been
ঘ) were
ক) printing
খ) cooking
গ) dress
ঘ) musical Instruments

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