When I was reading book, he came. is a___

ক) Simple sentence
খ) complex sentence
গ) Compound sentence
ঘ) none

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ক) In spite of his poverty hi is happy
খ) I know that he is happy
গ) Do or die
ঘ) I respect him as he likes me
ক) A small sentence
খ) An Assertive Sentence
গ) A one clause sentence
ঘ) An easy to understand sentence
ক) either
খ) neither
গ) or
ঘ) and
ক) so is water
খ) water is so
গ) so water is
ঘ) water so
ক) I have
খ) I had
গ) Had I
ঘ) Have I
ক) Inspite of poor, he is honest.
খ) Despite he is poor, he is honest.
গ) Inspite of having poor, he is honest.
ঘ) Inspite of his poverty, he is honest.

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