Change the narration:- I said , 'Do it'.

ক) I said that it should be done
খ) I said that let it be done
গ) I said to do it .
ঘ) I ordered to do it.

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ক) soya said that she walked a mile everyday
খ) soya said that she walks a mile everyday
গ) Soya said that I am walking a mile everyday
ঘ) Soya said that I walk a mile everyday
ক) Anis said that he must write a letter.
খ) Anis said he had to write a letter.
গ) Anis said that he had to write a letter
ঘ) Anis said he must write a letter.
ক) You said that he had been here
খ) You said that he was here
গ) You said that he had here
ঘ) You said that he is here
ক) হতবাক
খ) অভিজ্ঞ
গ) বিতর্কিত
ঘ) কোনটিই নয়
ক) বৃদ্ধ
খ) শিশু
গ) নবীন
ঘ) যুবতী
ক) অনভিজ্ঞ
খ) অরিন্দম
গ) হাতুড়ে
ঘ) ওষধি

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