Choose the correct one

ক) The news is true
খ) He gave me an advise
গ) The committee have issued its report
ঘ) Ten kilometres are a long way

Related Questions

ক) We write with ink
খ) I did not think it was her
গ) Sohel is taller than I
ঘ) Sohel is taller than me
ক) একটি কালো মেয়ের কথা
খ) ডেটলাইট বাংলাদেশ
গ) ধ্রুবতারা
ঘ) সংগ্রাম
ক) মীর মশাররফ হোসেনের
খ) মোতাহের হোসেন চৌধুরীর
গ) আবু জাফর শামসুদ্দিনের
ঘ) শামসুদ্‌দীন আবুল কালামের
ক) Greed leads to sin and to death
খ) Greed leaded to sin and to death
গ) Greed leading to sin and to death
ঘ) Greed leads to sin and death
ক) If I would have the wings of a bird !
খ) Had I the wings of a bird !
গ) I wish that I would have the wings of a bird !
ঘ) If I could fly like a bird!
ক) Bangladesh is a riverine country.
খ) Bangladesh is a country of river.
গ) Bangladesh is surrounded by river.
ঘ) Bangladesh is situated by river.

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