In the sentence 'She is both intelligent and beautiful, what part of speech is 'both'?

ক) conjunction
খ) adverb
গ) pronoun
ঘ) noun

Related Questions

ক) common : ghostly
খ) routine : novel
গ) worldly : unworldly
ঘ) secular : clerical
ক) Who belongs to the book?
খ) Whom does the book belong?
গ) Who does the book belong to?
ঘ) To whom the book belongs?
ক) independent
খ) modest
গ) adverse
ঘ) divergent
ক) Look at
খ) Look after
গ) Look into
ঘ) Look upon
ক) made of
খ) made up of
গ) made up
ঘ) made
ক) had not taken off
খ) did not taken off
গ) had taken off
ঘ) took off

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